Business Office
The Pocatello/Chubbuck School District Business Office is responsible for financial and operational support activities within the District. The business operations and services include:
- Accounting/Accounts Payable & Receivable
- Financial Statements & Reports
- Bidding Information
- Payroll Office
- Print Shop
- Rentals
- Warehouse
- Contacts
Accounting/Accounts Payable & Receivable
For questions regarding State, Federal grants or accounting functions, contact:
Accounts Payable/Receivable
For questions regarding payment of invoices or vendor inquiries for Vendors A - R:
Accounts Payable/Receivable
For questions regarding payment of invoices or vendor inquiries for Vendors S- Z:
Financial Statements & Reports
Awards and Acknowledgements
The Pocatello/Chubbuck School District No. 25 prepares the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) to the highest accounting standards. The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) awarded Certificates of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the District for its ACFR for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016. This was the twenty-sixth consecutive year that the District has received both prestigious awards. The District is the only Idaho school district to receive both financial reporting rewards. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, the District published an easily readable and efficiently organized ACFR meeting all financial reporting and accounting standards. This report satisfied both GAAP and applicable legal requirements.
Each year has an Annual Budget and a Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR). The current year will not have a ACFR until the year has completed and the report has been created. To view these, see the links to the right. All files are in PDF format.
Annual Budgets
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
Bidding Information
DISCLAIMER: Any information contained on this site is subject to change without notice. We provide this information only to assist vendors in the bidding process. We do not warrant that information is free of errors. All bid information must be received either by mail or in person as indicated in the bidding instructions and may not be electronically submitted. ADA accessible documents may be available upon request.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any in formalities or to accept the bid or bids deemed best for School District No. 25, Bannock County, Pocatello, Idaho.
Please contact the Business Office at (208) 235-3270 or email Tonya Walton for further assistance in retrieving the bid or the District contact under the bid for any bid questions.
Request to be Added to Vendor List
Thank you.
Payroll Office
The Payroll Office is located at:
Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25
3115 Pole Line Road
Pocatello, ID 83201
Monday - Thursday 7:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Friday 7:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Monday - Thursday 7:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Payroll Office Directory
Payroll Calendars & Forms
Payroll Calendars
Adobe Acrobat is required to view and print PDF documents that appear on this website. To download this program for free, visit the ADOBE website. To read PDF documents with a screen reader, please refer to the Access Adobe website, which provides useful tools and resources.
If for any reason you cannot access any of the material on our website, please contact Courtney Fisher to make arrangements to receive the information you are seeking in an alternate format. We will work to resolve any concerns in as responsive manner as possible.
Payroll Calendars
Payroll Forms
Adobe Acrobat is required to view and print PDF documents that appear on this website. To download this program for free, visit the ADOBE website. To read PDF documents with a screen reader, please refer to the Access Adobe Website, which provides useful tools and resources.
Payroll Forms
Print Shop
The District offers professional, full service printing and copying services through this Department. Services include basic copying, color printing, envelopes, calendars, booklets and student handbooks, business cards and other printing needs for instructional purposes. The Department is networked to receive electronic documents and provides next day delivery. Mail services are also centralized in this department, including bulk mail distribution. The Department is a self-sustaining profit center maintaining lowest cost quality printing and copying. The Department also provides individual schools with a school copier program where teachers and staff can print to school copiers located in various areas for convenience and accessibility.
Mail Room & Print Shop
Mail Room
Interoffice Mail: All mail routed through the district mail process MUST be inside an interoffice envelope. Interoffice envelopes come in two sizes - small and large. Clearly list the first and last name of the person, as well as the school or department. If an item is too big to fit into an interoffice envelope, send the wrapped, clearly marked item through the weekly warehouse delivery system or drop it off at the District warehouse.
US Postal Mail: All School District business letters going out of the district must have a full return and receiving address including complete zip code. The #10 business envelopes must have no more than (3) pieces of paper inside with the envelope flaps down. DO NOT NEST. Place rubber band around the stack to secure. Manilla envelopes are to have the flap completely taped/sealed. Each stack/box of mail must be identified with school and mail content, i.e. report card, student files, extracurricular activity, PTA, Cheer, etc. If the mail cannot be identified as educational business, the school will be charged for the postage to the school supply account. No staples, paperclips or “over stuffing of envelopes” as this causes the postal machine to jam. Do not use personal information as a return address on mail to go through the postal machine. No personal mail is to be sent unless postage has already been added to the envelope.
Bulk Mail: Notify the Mail/Print services center at least 24 hours prior to the mail going out. Mail will be postage stamped with the first class bulk mail rate. Bulk mail is a #10 envelope with no more than (3) pieces of paper inside or a post card. Please note: The District’s mail service center is the only authorized sender of bulk mail using the district’s bulk mail permit.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding mail or printing, please do not hesitate to call Will in the Mail/Print Services Center at 235-3275 or the Business Office at 235-3220.
Print Shop
Print Shop Guidelines
Will Olson, Printing Technician 208-235-3275
● All forms need an account code and school name and the name of the requesting person. If there is no account code, the printing cost will be billed to the school supply budget. If you would like to selfpay, indicate so on the account number line.
● Double sided originals will count as two copies. (1 original for each side)
● Give clear printing instructions. Bad instructions may delay your printing; or worse, information could be printed incorrectly.
● All printing is handled in the order received and due date chronological. Best effort attempts will be made to get your print order in a timely manner.
● Margins need to be at least 1/4 inch all the way around the paper. If possible, leave more than the requested 1/4 inch.
● Always use clear black ink for typing.
● Do not staple or tape the print order form to the originals (paper clip only).
● Do not staple or tape any part of the originals together (paper clip only).
● We cannot print originals that are one-quarter (¼) or one-half (½) size. Enlarge the print original or create the original of the ¼ item as 4 a page or ½ size 2 a page for an 8½ by 11 inch sheet of paper.
● Please indicate where you want the staples placed on the finished copy (i.e., two on the left-hand side, or one in the upper left-hand corner). If not indicated no stapling will occur.
● Color copies are available, upon request, if the original is colored ink.
● Send as much printing as you can by grade level. If there is more than one teacher we can place copies in stacks for each teacher if indicated on the print order form. Example: All third grade math that is the same can be placed onto one print order form and stacked for the individual teachers.
● Full Black & White or Color Posters, any size (PDF file).
● For information regarding banners, please give us a call or stop by.
● Laminating for copies, posters, wall art
● NCR Paper comes in the following sets: 2-part: 250 sets per ream of 500; 3-part: 167 sets per ream of 500; 4-part: 125 sets per ream of 500; 5-part: 100 sets per ream of 500
● Collating, folding, stapling, and/or trimming. Our copiers produce booklets as part of the finishing process. Questions? Just give us a call.
● Books need to be taken apart. If not taken apart, it will be necessary to cut the binding off and charge for that service.
● Please remove any and all staples.
● If you need to tear a page out of a book to have copied, please make sure it has clean edges.
● If you would like numbering, please call the Print Services Center for information and make sure you indicate the beginning number on your print request form.
● The print shop has samples of various kinds of paper. If you want something special, give us a call or stop by. It will take a few extra days, but we would love the chance to help you get what you want.
● Do not bring in your own paper, unless it is special stock and you have talked to the print service center about it.
● There is no limit on the number of copies through the print room.
● Back to back originals must be on separate sheets of paper unless being collated. If the originals are already back to back, we will make new originals (and charge you for them). If you order the same job again, please use the originals made by the print shop.
Print Shop Prices
Print Room Prices
Print Room Copy | B&W Price | Color Price |
8.5 x 11.5 Black and White | $0.03 | |
8.5 x 11.5 Color Copy | $0.08 | |
Color 20# | $0.04 | $0.09 |
AstroBright Color 60# | $0.06 | $0.10 |
AstroBright Cover 65# | $0.10 | $0.18 |
Legal | $0.06 | $0.14 |
Cardstock | $0.09 | $0.17 |
Parchment | $0.09 | $0.17 |
11 x 17 White | $0.07 | $0.18 |
Double-Sided Ink only price | $0.015 | $0.05 |
Envelope #10 | $0.05 | $0.09 |
Envelope #10 window | $0.06 | $0.09 |
Envelope 9 x 12 | $0.17 | $0.22 |
Envelope 6 x 9 | $0.10 | $0.15 |
Finishing | Price |
Cutting | $0.003 |
Padding | $0.003 |
Folding | $0.01 |
Stapling | $0.01 |
Hole Punch | $0.03 |
Comb Bind | call for pricing |
Booklet Finishing | $0.05 |
Posters | Price |
22 x 30 | $8.00 |
18 x 24 | $6.00 |
Lamination | Price |
1 foot | $0.40 |
NCR Paper Print | Price |
500 Sheets | $16.84 |
Business Cards | Price |
100 cards | $8.00 |
1-time Set Up fee | $5.00 |
Changes | $5.00 |
Print Forms | Free |
Any Rental of District Facilities/Fields must be made by completing the District Rental Request Form.
To Rent a District Facility, or Field, Lessee must provide the following:
- Application and Lease Agreement: The Application and Lease Agreement (available only through the District Rentals Office) must be signed by the Lessee no later than 5 days prior to rental.
- Process Time: Processing of the rental will normally take from 5 to 7 working days.
- Deposit: A deposit of the estimated projected total must be paid at the time of signing the agreement.
- Certificate of Liability: A Certificate of Liability from the Lessee to the District must show a minimum limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and must name the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District No. 25 as additional insured.
- Light Technicians: To protect the District's investment you must use a District approved Light Technician. The arrangements for Light Technicians are made solely by the Lessee and they must be paid prior to the rental. For information on approved Light Technicians, email the District Rentals Office.
The Warehouse is located at:
Pocatello/Chubbuck School District No. 25
3115 Poleline Road
Pocatello, ID 83201
The District has a centralized Warehouse Department which receives and inventories instructional and custodial supplies and equipment. Additionally, USDA and purchased food commodities are stored in the warehouse for distribution to requesting schools. All shipments should be sent to the warehouse unless specifically identified on the District Purchase Order.
The Pocatello/Chubbuck School District No. 25 Warehouse is open from Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM Mountain Time except for the following holidays: July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, MLK Jr. Day, President's Day, Memorial Day. We will also be closed the Friday following Thanksgiving.
Warehouse Directory
The Business Office is located at:
Pocatello/Chubbuck School District No. 25
3115 Poleline Road
Pocatello, ID 83201