Grade 6 World History
- Unit 1.1: History of Civilizations
- Unit 1.2: Government of Civilizations
- Unit 2.1: Economics of Civilizations
- Unit 2.2: Culture of Civilizations
Grade 7/8 Geography
- Western Hemisphere Geography Unit 1: North America
- Western Hemisphere Geography Unit 2: South America
- Western Hemisphere Geography Unit 3: Europe
- Eastern Hemisphere Geography Unit 1: Map Skills
- Eastern Hemisphere Geography Unit 2: Africa
- Eastern Hemisphere Geography Unit 3: Asia
- Eastern Hemisphere Geography Unit 4: Australia, Oceania, Antarctica
- Unit 1: Introduction to Economics
- Unit 2: Consumerism & Personal Finance
- Unit 3: Supply and Demand
- Unit 4: Business Structures
- Gov A 2021 Unit 1: Foundations
- Gov A 2021 Unit 2: The Constitution
- Gov A 2021 Unit 3: American Political Behavior
- Gov B 2021 Unit 4: Executive Branch
- Gov B 2021 Unit 5: Legislative Branch
- Gov B 2021. Unit 6: Judicial Branch
US History I & II
US History I - 9th Grade
- US History IA Unit 1: Beginnings of a New Nation (Prehistory - 1783)
- US History IA Unit 2: American Colonies (1607-1754)
- US History IA Unit 3: The American Revolution (1754-1783)
- US History IA Unit 4: Establishing a New Nation
- US History IA Unit 5: The Early Republic (1789-1855)
- US History IB Unit 6: Reshaping America in the Early 1800's (1800-1860)
- US History IB Unit 7: Sectional Divisions and the Civil War (1846-1865)
- US History IB Unit 8: Reconstruction (1865-1877)
- US History IB Unit 9: Industry and Immigration (1865-1914)
- US History IB Unit 10: Challenges in the Late 1800's (1865-1900)
US History II - 11th Grade
- US History 11A 2020 Unit 1: Progressivism, Imperialism, & WW1 (Topics 11-12.3)
- US History 11A 2020 Unit 2: Post WW1 - the 1920s & 30s (Topics 12.4-13)
- US History 11A 2020 Unit 3: World War II (Topic 14)
- US History 11B 2020 Unit 1: The Cold War Era (Topic 15-19.3)
- US History 11B 2020 Unit 2: The Civil Rights Movements
- US History 11B 2020 Unit 3: The Vietnam Era (Topics 17-18.1, 18.4, 18.5)
- US History 11B 2020 Unit 4: America, the Late 20th Century (Topics 18.6, 19, 20)
- Curriculum
- Documents
- Social Studies