Enrollment & Attendance Areas
The Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 has completed the recent review of enrollment and attendance areas.
Elementary School: A motion was made by Raymond Knoff and seconded by Megan Furniss to approve the Amended Elementary Proposal #1. Deanna Judy, Raymond Knoff, and Megan Furniss voted in the affirmative. Jim Facer and Heather Clarke were opposed. The motion passed.
Middle School: A motion was made by Megan Furniss and seconded by Jim Facer to approve the Amended Middle School Proposal. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. The motion passed.
High School: A motion was made by Raymond Knoff and seconded by Heather Clarke to approve the High School Option A1. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. The motion passed.
- Why is the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 reviewing its enrollment and attendance areas?
- Where are we at in the process?
- Have any final decisions been made up to this point in the process?
- Where can I locate the committee’s preliminary recommendations?
- What is the ultimate goal of this review process?
- What happens to staff if the decision includes closing a school?
- How does Idaho’s open enrollment law apply to this discussion?
- PCSD 25 Transfer Form:
- What are the goals of the committees formed to review the enrollment and attendance areas?
- What guiding principles will the committees follow?
- Who are the members of the committees?
- How can staff, parents, and community members contribute to the process?
- How will the district keep the community informed throughout the process?
- Download the Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District 25 reviewing its enrollment and attendance areas?
Where are we at in the process?
Have any final decisions been made up to this point in the process?
Where can I locate the committee’s preliminary recommendations?
What is the ultimate goal of this review process?
What happens to staff if the decision includes closing a school?
How does Idaho’s open enrollment law apply to this discussion?
PCSD 25 Transfer Form:
What are the goals of the committees formed to review the enrollment and attendance areas?
What guiding principles will the committees follow?
Who are the members of the committees?
How can staff, parents, and community members contribute to the process?
How will the district keep the community informed throughout the process?
Download the Frequently Asked Questions
Meeting Agendas & Materials
Enrollment and Attendance Sub-Committees
Elementary School Sub-Committee
PCSD 25 Staff:
- A.J. Watson, Director of Elementary Education
- Troy Johnson, Principal, Jefferson Elementary School
- Nick Muckerman, Principal, Edahow Elementary School
- Angela Stevens, Principal, Washington Elementary School
- Tara Dayley, Teacher, Wilcox Elementary School
- Cody Perry, Teacher, Ellis Elementary School
Parent Representatives:
- Jake Dixon, Zone 1
- Holli Haws, Zone 2
- Eryn Kelsy, Zone 3
- Jennifer Warner, Zone 3
- Lauren Dalton, Zone 3
- Emily Astin, Zone 4
- Jennifer Lloyd, Zone 5
Middle School Sub-Committee
PCSD 25 Staff:
- Sue Pettit, Director of Secondary Education
- Brandon Vaughan, Principal Alameda Middle School
- Patrick Vereecken, Principal Franklin Middle School
- Heidi Kessler, Principal Hawthorne Middle School
- Stuart Johnson, Principal Irving Middle School
- Tom Chatterton, Teacher Irving Middle School, PEA Executive Board
- Joy Reece, Teacher Alameda Middle School
Parent Representatives:
- Brett Bringhurst, Parent, Alameda MS
- Carrie Bottenbeg, Parent Alameda MS
- Amber Pitkin, Parent Franklin MS
- Vanessa Sutton, Parent Franklin MS
- Mandy Keller, Parent Hawthorne MS
- Sarah Cook, Parent Hawthorne MS
- Jackie Wood, Parent Irving MS
- Micki Galloway, Parent Irving MS
High School Sub-Committee
PCSD 25 Staff:
- Sue Pettit, Director of Secondary Education
- Benjamin Cody, Assistant Principal Century High School
- Jena Wilcox, Assistant Principal Highland High School
- Lisa Delonas, Principal Pocatello High School
- Mary Anne McGrory, President Pocatello Education Association, Teacher Alameda Middle School
- Angela Davis, PEA Executive Board, Teacher Century High School
Parent Representatives:
- Jared Vincent, Parent, Century HS
- Nathan James, Parent Century HS
- Katie Leishman, Parent Highland HS
- Jeffery Pitman, Parent Highland HS
- Angie Dangerfield, Parent Pocatello HS
- Nathan Crystal, Parent Pocatello HS
Enrollment and attendance zone initiative planning
September 2024-March 2025
September: Preparation, Awareness & Data Gathering
- Preliminary research on enrollment patterns and POCATELLO/CHUBBUCK demographic trends. SCHOOL DISTRICT 25
- Internal briefings with district staff and administrators.
- Present preliminary findings to Board of Trustees: Work Session & Regular Board Meeting
- Establish elementary and secondary committees with zonal representation from admin, staff, parents and board members.
October: Initial Communication & Engagement Planning.
- Distribute districtwide email/Infinite Campus communication introducing the process and identify engagement opportunities.
- Create dedicated webpage; share to social media and send media release to local news.
- Committee workshops.
- Update Board to refine plan, as needed: Work Session and Regular Board Meeting.
November: Community Engagement & Draft Proposal Development
- Continue committee workshops.
- Provide opportunities for community input: focus groups, public forums, feedback surveys.
- Draft preliminary enrollment and attendance zone proposal.
- Present findings and the draft proposal at the Regular Board Meeting.
December: Analysis & Proposal Refinement
- Continue committee workshops.
- Synthesize community input.
- Update Board to refine proposal, as needed: Work Session and Regular Board Meeting.
January: Proposal Finalization & Ongoing Communication
- Define further opportunities for community input on draft proposal, as needed.
- Meet with school principals, PT As, and community groups for targeted feedback.
- Provide timely communication updates via email, website, and social media.
- Outline refinements for draft proposal: Work Session and Regular Board Meeting.
February: Proposal for Action & Decision Communication
- Review the final proposal for action with the Board of Trustees at the Regular Board Meeting.
- Announce the Board's decision through district-wide communication channels.
- Plan for implementation, including preparing communication strategies for affected families.
March: Implementation
- Continue planning and support for implementation.
- Gather final feedback on the process and reflect on lessons learned.
PCSD 25 Regular Board Meeting 01.21.2025
PCSD 25 Special Meeting to Review Public Input 01.17.2025
Committee Goals
Address decline in district-wide enrollment.
Maximize use of district resources.
Develop recommendations/ options to provide to PCSD 25 Board of Trustees.
Guiding Principles
- Optimizing Capacity – Balance populations and make best use of available space.
- Equitable Access – Provide fair access to educational programs and facilities.
- Minimize Disruptions – Prioritize continuity of educational services for learners and families.
- Maintain Efficiency – Consider travel time and middle school feeders.
- Future Needs and Considerations – Planning for future changes and needs.
Meeting Schedule
Meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change.
The Education Service Center is located at: 3115 Pole Line Road Pocatello, ID 83201.
Meetings begin at 5:00PM.
Elementary Committee meets in Cherry Springs Room.
Middle School Committee meets in the East & West Fork (Board Room).
- Monday, October 14, 2024
- Monday, October 21, 2024 (Elementary Committee meeting only, Middle School Committee not meeting this day.)
- Monday, October 28, 2024
- Monday, November 4, 2024
- Monday, November 11, 2024
- Monday, November 18, 2024
- Monday, December 9, 2024
- Monday, December, 16, 2024
- Monday, January 6, 2025
- Monday, February 3, 2025 (High School Committee only)
- Additional meetings scheduled as needed
School Board Agendas
Latest News
Live Streams
PCSD 25 Board Work Session 02.04.2025
PCSD 25 Regular Board Meeting 01.21.2025
PCSD 25 Special Meeting to Review Public Input 01.17.2025
UPDATE: YouTube stream is currently unavailable. Please look for the Facebook Live.
PCSD 25 Public Hearing - District Enrollment and Attendance Area Proposals 01.15.2025
PCSD 25 Board Work Session 01.14.2025
Special Meeting to Review Update Proposals from District Enrollment and Attendance Areas Committees 01.07.2025
PCSD 25 Regular Board Meeting 12.17.2024
PCSD 25 Board Work Session 12.10.2024
PCSD 25 Regular Board Meeting 11.19.2024
PCSD 25 Board Work Session 11.12.2024
PCSD 25 Regular Board Meeting 10.15.2024
PCSD 25 Board Work Session 10.8.2024
PCSD 25 Regular Board Meeting 09.17.2024