What is Visible Learning?
As a District, we THINK about learning all the time. It guides our data-driven decision making in our professional learning communities. We participate and contribute in meaningful professional development and collaboration. We provide feedback to our learners and inspire our learners to give constructive feedback to each other.
LEARNing is at the core of our Mission, Vision, Beliefs, goals and values. It is no longer just about a teacher and student relationship. It is recognizing that true learning happens best when we co-learn together. This year, we have concentrated our efforts on providing our learners more clarity through learning intentions and success criteria. Additionally, we want all of our learners to be able to answer three questions: What are you learning? What progress have you made in your learning? What are the next steps in your learning?
When things get difficult, rather than being afraid to make a mistake or getting frustrated, learners freely enter “the pit,” where they can develop strategies to reach different steps to climb out of it. Entering and exiting the pit is where learning breakthroughs occur.
Our primary goal in education is to assist learners in gaining the knowledge, skills and abilities to learn how to learn. It is preparing them for college and careers. It is enriching their talents to respond to the challenges and questions that lie ahead in an ever-changing world. It is enhancing their abilities with soft skills to interact congenially and productively with others. It truly is the moral imperative – to stir within our learners a sense of action and passion to improve and make contributions to our global culture and society. Essentially, it is to BE more!
We have learned that 95% of what we do in education has a positive effect. Our recent efforts have been to concentrate on the best practices that have higher effect sizes and yield more than a year of growth in a year of time. It is our desire that throughout the district, we –
This graphic illustrates the 10 Mindframes & Maximizers, which are integral to Visible Learning, and include:
I am a change agent
I focus on learning and the language of learning
I strive for challenge
I engage in as much dialogue as monologue
I seek, give, and act on feedback
I am an evaluator of my impact
I collaborate with others about my progress and impact
I inform students of what success looks like
I see assessment as informing my impact
I build relationships and trust.