32961 Advanced Debate A - 1 or 2 Trimester(s) - Repeatable – HHS/PHS 9 10 11 12
32962 Advanced Debate B
Prerequisite: Forensic Debate and Speech B
In this course, students will work on learning new skills as well as work on polishing skills gained from the Forensic Debate and Speech course. Students will study current events, write debate cases each month, and prepare two speech events for competition. Students enrolled in this course must attend competitive tournaments (or complete alternative assignments). Students will prepare for tournaments each week and will use self-assessments and judge assessments to improve their skills. Students will also be required to teach concepts and lessons to their peers. These courses qualify for humanities credit.
32981 Competitive Speech - 1 Trimester - Repeatable – PHS 9 10 11 12
Competitive Speech is designed to offer students the opportunity to prepare for, polish their competitive speeches, and refine public speaking skills. The intent is for students who participate in FFA, BPA, Robotics, Speech, Drama, Pageantry and other activities where they are judged on their presentation, public speaking and oration skills will have a course based on succeeding in competitive speaking. The coursework will focus on organization and presentation. Students must actively be a part of a competitive speaking activity with coach/teacher recommendation to take the course. This course qualifies for humanities credit.