High School Graduation: 6 credits
Courses are offered based on demand, teacher availability and certification.
38641 Physical Science - Physics - 1 Trimester - CHS/HHS/NHHS/PHS 9
Students in this course will use research and inquiry to examine the intriguing and practical principles of physics.
This course introduces the basics in a variety of scientific disciplines to include: motion and speed, forces, energy, work. Optional topics including waves, electricity, and magnetism can be added to help tie main topics together. Basic high school math/algebra is utilized in portions of this course. Ninth grade students must be enrolled in either physical science or honors physical science.
38642 Physical Science - Chemistry - 1 Trimester - CHS/HHS/NHHS/PHS 9
Students in this course will be introduced to the basics of chemistry. Several labs are incorporated into the curriculum. Topics covered in the chemistry trimester will include: the nature of science, classification of matter, phases of matter, the periodic table, chemical bonds, chemical reactions, and nuclear chemistry. Basic high school math/algebra is utilized in portions of this course. Ninth grade students must be enrolled in either physical science or honors physical science.
38611 Honors Physical Science - Physics - 2 Trimesters - CHS/HHS/PHS 9
38612 Honors Physical Science - Chemistry
In addition to the physical science course descriptions below, this class will expand the concepts taught in physical science so that the students will be provided an in-depth and strong basic foundation in physics and chemistry. The class will use inquiry based processes and will help students to integrate the sciences and develop critical thinking skills. This course is recommended for students who have a keen interest in science or want a more challenging experience. Ninth grade students must be enrolled in either physical science or honors physical science.
38401 AP Physics A 1-3 Trimesters - College Prep - CHS/HHS/PHS (DC @ CHS/PHS) 11 12
38402 AP Physics B
38403 AP Physics C
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: Integrated Math III
AP Physics is a college level course that will cover motion, dynamics, mechanics, sound and waves, and electric circuits. It is intended to prepare the student for the AP Physics I exam. A background in trigonometry is recommended. Students have time to master foundational physics principles while engaging in science practices to earn credit or placement. This course requires a qualifying math test score (ALEKS, ACT, or SAT) for dual credit. GEM Area 4
38103 Biology – Processes and Interactions - 1 Trimester - CHS/HHS/NHHS/PHS 10
Biology is an introduction to life sciences and scientific problem-solving. This class will focus on the following aspects of the life sciences: biochemistry, cellular processes, and ecology. Tenth grade students must be enrolled in either biology or honors biology.
38104 Biology – Inheritance and Diversity - 1 Trimester - CHS/HHS/NHHS/PHS 10
Biology is an introduction to life sciences and scientific problem-solving. This class will focus on the following aspects of the life sciences: evolution, heredity, and molecular genetics. Tenth grade students must be enrolled in either biology or honors biology.
38123 Honors Biology Processes and Interactions - 2 Trimesters - College Prep - CHS/HHS/NHHS/PHS 10
38124 Honors Biology Inheritance and Diversity
This course is recommended for students who have a very keen interest in science, want a more challenging experience, or are considering a career in life science or career-related field. In addition to the content offered in regular Biology, a primary goal of honors course work is to provide experiences that will stimulate scientific learning through an interaction of experiments and ideas. The process of inquiry based science using various laboratory methods and techniques will be emphasized. Students will pursue an individual research project culminating in a poster session presented to their peers. Honors Biology is meant to be rewarding, challenging, and demanding. Tenth grade students must be enrolled in either biology or honors biology.
38181 AP Biology A - 3 Trimesters - College Prep - CHS/HHS/PHS 11 12
38182 AP Biology B
38183 AP Biology C
88181 AP Biology A DC – HHS/PHS
88182 AP Biology B DC
88183 AP Biology C DC
This course emphasizes the principle topics covered in an introductory college biology course, including the study of
bio-macro molecules, cells, organisms, and populations. Considerable effort and study time is required. Students taking AP Biology will be encouraged and prepared to take the nationally administered AP examination with the possibility of receiving college or university credit. Scoring on the national exam will not affect the student’s grade in class. College credit with a letter grade is available through ISU for HHS and PHS and through CSI for CHS. See your counselor. This course requires a qualifying math test score (ALEKS, ACT, or SAT) for dual credit. GEM Area 4
38301 Chemistry A - 2 Trimesters - College Prep - CHS/NHHS/PHS 10 11 12
38302 Chemistry B
Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in Integrated Math III or above
Students who plan to major in a health science or science field are required to take general chemistry in college. Students who have taken chemistry in high school are better prepared for this course. Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. Students will learn to work safely and efficiently in the lab. They will be able to make measurements and calculations as they relate to chemical reactions. They will understand how chemistry is related to their everyday world. Students who are pregnant are encouraged to consult their physician prior to enrolling in a Chemistry course.
38321 Honors Chemistry A - 2 Trimesters - HHS/PHS (DC) 10 11 12
38322 Honors Chemistry B
Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in Integrated Math III or above
Honors chemistry is a rigorous class, designed for students interested in careers related to the sciences (medicine, dentistry, veterinarian, engineering, pharmacy, chemistry, nursing, etc.). The class will help students gain an appreciation and understanding of the scientific theories as they relate to the regularities found in nature. Students will learn to work safely and efficiently in the lab. Students who are pregnant are encouraged to consult their physician prior to enrolling in a Chemistry course. This course requires a qualifying math test score (ALEKS, ACT, or SAT) for dual credit. GEM Area 4
38291 AP Chemistry A - 3 Trimesters - College Prep - CHS/HHS/PHS 11 12
38292 AP Chemistry B
38293 AP Chemistry C
Prerequisite: Integrated Math III, a “C” or better in previous science courses
AP Chemistry is taught as a college level class. It is designed to meet the goals of a first year general chemistry course as outlined by the College Board. The course may be taken by first or second year chemistry students. First-year students can do as well as second-year students if they study regularly. The primary goal of the course is for students to attain a depth of understanding of fundamental concepts and to be competent in dealing with general chemistry problems. The College Board recommends one year of high school chemistry prior to enrolling in this class. Each student’s goal is to pass the AP Chemistry examination in May. Students who are pregnant are encouraged to consult their physician prior to enrolling in a Chemistry course. GEM Area 4
38541 Anatomy and Physiology Honors A - 1 or 2 Trimesters - CHS/HHS/PHS (DC available if both A & B are taken) 11 12
38542 Anatomy and Physiology Honors B
Prerequisite: Biology or “C” in prior science class
This course may be taken one or two trimesters. The course will be divided between laboratory and conventional classroom teaching methods. The laboratory work will revolve around dissecting organs and learning various system anatomy and related physiology. Anatomy and Physiology A will cover tissues, integumentary, skeletal, nervous and muscular systems. Anatomy and Physiology B will cover blood and the cardiovascular system, in addition to the respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Students will dissect a pig and may take a trip to the ISU Cadaver Lab.
38501 Astronomy A - 1 Trimester – CHS/HHS/NHHS/PHS (DC @ CHS available if both Astronomy A & B are taken) 11 12
Prerequisite: Integrated Math II
This course is designed to give students a basic understanding of one of the oldest yet most rapidly advancing fields of science today. Astronomy is the study of the physical universe and its relationship to humankind. Although mathematics is the backbone of this course, a wide range of topics is covered, which help students learn about our local solar system and the neighborhood of stars which surrounds us. Topics include the Earth-moon system, terrestrial geography, celestial positioning, seasons, solar and planetary formation, interplanetary debris, telescopes, stars and constellations, archaeo-astronomy, NASA and space technology. GEM Area 4
38511 Astronomy B - 1 Trimester CHS/HHS/NHHS/PHS (DC@CHS available if both Astronomy A & B are taken) 11 12
Prerequisite: Integrated Math II
This course gives students the opportunity to learn about the universe and its relationship to humankind; specifically, the information presented details important concepts beginning with our local star system, moving outward toward the farthest reaches of space and culminating in discussions of the universe as a whole. Important topics include: types of stars and their development, star motion and age, our local neighborhood, novae and nebulae, pulsars and variables, black holes, the Milky Way, galaxies and clusters, quasars, research and technology, other solar systems and S.E.T.I., the Big Bang!, and cosmology. Includes use of astronomical equipment and telescopes. Note: Previous astronomy courses are not a prerequisite. GEM Area 4
38551 Botany - 1 Trimester – HHS 11 12
The course objectives will be to survey the plant kingdom. A taxonomical approach will be used. Laboratory time will be used to study the differences in roots, stems, leaves and flowers. Laboratory time will be used making a plant collection and studying other aspects related to plants.
38241 Forensic Science I - 1 Trimester – CHS/HHS/NHHS/PHS 10 11 12
Prerequisite: Passing grade in one trimester of Biology
Forensic Science I is a course that focuses on the analysis of physical and biological evidence found at crime scenes. Students will be expected to use scientific procedures and logical thinking to explore this real-world application of science. Specific topics explored in Forensic Science I will include examination of human hair and blood, questioned documents, tool marks, crime scene diagrams, and more. The trimester will end with an investigation of a mock crime scene. Students may take the Forensic Science courses individually or in any combination or order.
38242 Forensic Science II - 1 Trimester – PHS 10 11 12
Prerequisite: Passing grade in one trimester of Biology
Forensic Science II is a course that focuses on the analysis of physical and biological evidence found at crime scenes. Students will be expected to use scientific procedures and logical thinking to explore this real-world application of science. Specific topics explored in Forensic Science II include examination of animal hairs, ballistics, fibers, soil, bones and more. The trimester will end with an investigation of a mock crime scene. Students may take the Forensic Science courses individually or in any combination or order.
38243 Forensic Science III - 1 Trimester – PHS 10 11 12
Prerequisite: Passing grade in one trimester of Biology
Forensic Science III is a course that focuses on the analysis of physical and biological evidence found at crime scenes. Students will be expected to use scientific procedures and logical thinking to explore this real-world application of science. Specific topics explored in Forensic Science III include examination of bite marks, DNA, tire tracks, insects, and more. In this course, students will also explore the use of technology in solving crimes. The trimester will end with an investigation of a mock crime scene. Students may take the Forensic Science courses individually or in any combination or order.
38591 Geology A - 1 Trimester - CHS/HHS/NHHS/PHS (DC @ CHS/PHS available if both Geology A & B are taken) 11 12
Prerequisite: Biology or Honors Biology
Geology A includes study of the theories of the origin of the universe and the solar system and the Earth within the system. Topics include identification of minerals, rock composition, the rock cycle, geologic time, plate tectonics, and volcanic activity. GEM Area 4
38592 Geology B - 1 Trimester - CHS/HHS/NHHS/PHS (DC @ CHS/PHS available if both Geology A & B are taken) 11 12
Dual Credit Prerequisite at CHS/PHS: Geology A
Geology B includes the study of seismic activity, earthquake activity, and plate motion. Earthquake data is used as evidence in support of plate tectonics. Topics include ground water, aquifer systems, rivers systems, oceans, glaciers, and the Earth’s natural resources. GEM Area 4
38951 Introduction to Engineering A - 2 Trimesters - CHS 11 12
38952 Introduction to Engineering B
Prerequisites: Integrated Math II
Introduction to Engineering is designed to introduce students to the field of engineering. The course will integrate teamwork, problem solving and verbal communication skills into several design projects. These skills will assist students in attaining the knowledge needed to be successful in a science and engineering field. This course is not NCAA Eligibility Center approved, but will count for science credit toward graduation in the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District.
38691 Microbiology Research A - 1 Trimester – PHS 10 11 12
38692 Microbiology Research B
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
In this course, learners will be conducting real world research into the next antibiotic for human consumption. They will test soil bacteria against safe relatives of human pathogens to find bacteria that produce antibiotics. Once a learner or pair of learners has found a possible antibiotic, they will do chemical extraction to have the possible antibiotic tested for chemical composition. This could lead to the development of a new antibiotic to fight the antimicrobial resistance epidemic.
38701 Science of Sport – 1 Trimester – HHS 11 12
Prerequisite: Physical Science or Honors Physical Science and Biology or Honors Biology
In this class, learners will explore topics from physics, biology, and chemistry through the scope of application in sports. Learners will analyze text to explore phenomenon and summarize information in its relationship with sport. Learners will conduct research, collect data, and write conclusions that demonstrate the natural connection between sports and science.
38681 STEM Research I - 1 Trimester – Repeatable - PHS 11 12
38682 STEM Research II
Prerequisite: Biology or Honors Biology
Honors independent science research offers motivated students of various achievement levels an opportunity to complete original and independent scientific research of their choosing. Students will generate a research question, conduct a literature review, collaborate with content-area experts, develop a hypothesis, collect and analyze data, and present their original research at an annual Student Independent Research Symposium and state science fairs or some formal setting. Students will perform their research under the supervision of a qualified mentor.
38801 Zoology - 1 Trimester - CHS/HHS/PHS 11 12
Prerequisite: Biology or Honors Biology
This course will be a survey of the animal kingdom from lower invertebrates to mammals. Lab time will be used to dissect various animals along with additional activities and projects. Scientific classification, taxonomy and systems will be emphasized.